# cpcmd examples

cpcmd is a local API tool for interfacing ApisCP. It provides:

  • Full access to API catalog
  • Site and user masquerading
  • Site enumeration
  • Site filtering
  • Command introspection

# Collections

admin:collect() is a powerful command that aggregates and filters accounts. When iterating over a collection, use -o json to force JSON output and jq to reliably parse results. jq may be installed with Yum:

yum install -y jq

Let's look at admin:collect() using cpcmd misc:i admin:collect

  * Collect account info
  * "active" is a special $query param that picks active/inactive (true/false) sites
  * @param array|null $params null cherry-picks all services, [] uses default service list
  * @param array|null $query  pull sites that possess these service values
  * @param array      $sites  restrict selection to sites
  * @return array
  - 'Parameter #0 [ <optional> array or NULL $params = Array ]'
  - 'Parameter #1 [ <optional> array or NULL $query = NULL ]'
  - 'Parameter #2 [ <optional> array $sites = Array ]'
min: 0
max: 3
return: array
signature: 'admin_collect([array $params,[array $query,[array $sites]]])'

admin:collect([?array $params, [array $query, [array $sites]]]) where

  • $params is the fields to fetch. null may be specified to retrieve all service metadata while [] returns siteinfo,email, siteinfo,admin_user, aliases,aliases, billing,invoice, and billing,parent_invoice
  • $query are the fields, in dot-notation, to match against. Matches are inclusive of all $query parameters.
  • $sites allows you to restrict the match to a collection of sites, domains, or invoices.

All results, keyed by site, contain domain and active fields that represent siteinfo,domain and whether the account is in a suspended state. These may also be queried in the $query parameter.

For example, to filter all sites that have SSH enabled,

cpcmd admin:collect null '[ssh.enabled:1]'

Or fetch cgroup,* + apache,jail results for accounts that have SSH enabled and cgroup enabled:

cpcmd admin:collect '[cgroup,apache.jail]' '[ssh.enabled:1,cgroup.enabled:1]'

And so on. admin:collect() allows you to build arbitrary collections on any service metadata that can be processed by jq, a powerful tool that allows us to build pipelines of input => output using JavaScript.

--output=json or -o json is necessary to format output as JavaScript. By default it formats as Yaml for readability. For the above command, we rewrite it as,

cpcmd -o json admin:collect '[cgroup,apache.jail]' '[ssh.enabled:1,cgroup.enabled:1]' | jq -r '[]keys' 

Which will allow is to loop over each site that has both ssh,enabled=1 and cgroup,enabled=1. Or a more convoluted example that we'll touch on shortly.

cpcmd -o json admin:collect '[cgroup,apache.jail]' '[ssh.enabled:1,cgroup.enabled:1]' | jq -r 'to_entries[] | (.key + " " + (.value.apache.jail | tostring), .value.cgroup)

This renders an output similar to the following.

jq output

Let's talk about this command briefly,

to_entries[] takes the input from admin:collect and converts it to an array of key/value pairs for each match. This allows referencing .key and .value in the next pipeline phase. + " " + allows us to conconatenate parts of the data into one string and while | tostring is a filter that converts the number (1 or 0) into a string that may be concatenated onto the result. Comma (",") separates output records so that all values in .value.cgroup may be printed.


If none of the above made sense, don't worry! Seldom do you ever go off into such a complex pipeline. Besides, most queries can be rewritten by either masquerading as a site in cpcmd as in Blanket grants example below or by piping the site as the third parameter ($sites) to another admin:collect() call.

jq has a rich manual (opens new window) to explore if you are of the masochist variety.

The following list is not an exaustive list of things that can be done using admin:collect(), but rather serve as a starting point for ideas.

# Database

# Blanket grants

Apply read/write access to all databases to all users for an account.

cpcmd -o json admin:collect '[mysql.enabled:1]' | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read SITE ; do 
	cpcmd -o json -d $SITE mysql:list-databases | jq -r 'values[]' | while read DB ; do 
		cpcmd -d $SITE -o json mysql:list-users | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read USER ; do 
			echo "$SITE $DB $USER"
			echo cpcmd -d $SITE mysql:set-privileges "$USER" "localhost" "$DB" '[read:true,write:true]'


# Add zones for all domains

Something went awry in your PowerDNS implementation and need to reapply DNS for all domains and all addon domains?

cpcmd -o json admin:collect '[]'  | jq -r 'values[].domain' | while read DOMAIN ; do 
	IP="$(cpcmd -d $DOMAIN site:ip-address)"
	echo "$DOMAIN $IP"
	cpcmd dns:add-zone "$DOMAIN" "$IP"
	cpcmd -o json -d $DOMAIN common:get-service-value aliases aliases | jq -r '.[]' | while read ALIAS ; do 
		echo "$DOMAIN $IP - $ALIAS"
		echo cpcmd dns:add-zone "$ALIAS" "$IP"

# Update IP address for all namebased sites

Useful if changing server IPs.

cpcmd -o json admin:collect null '[ipinfo.namebased:1]' | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read SITE ; do 
	EditDomain -c ipinfo,nbaddrs=['new.ip.add.ress'] $i

# Migration

# Migrating all sites off server

Specify "active:true" to filter suspended sites.

cpcmd -o json admin:collect '[]' '[active:true]' | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read -r SITE ; do 
    echo "Migrating $SITE"
    apnscp_php /usr/local/apnscp/bin/scripts/transfersite.php -s new.server.name $SITE

# Opcenter

# Update PHP-FPM configuration

PHP-FPM templates can be customized (see Customizing.md), but must be updated by explictly reconfiguring the service. Use --reconfig to force a reconfiguration on all services for the site (see Plans.md).

cpcmd -o json admin:collect null '[apache.jail:1]' | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read -r SITE ; do   
	echo "Editing $(get_config "$SITE" siteinfo domain)"
	EditDomain --reconfig "$SITE"


PHP-FPM is enabled by default unless has_low_memory is set. You can force PHP-FPM and remove mod_php from the server by running, cpcmd scope:set cp.bootstrapper php_has_isapi false; upcp.

# Enable bandwidth on sites

cpcmd -o json admin:collect null '[bandwidth.enabled:null]' | jq -r 'keys[]' | while read -r site ; do
  echo "Editing $(get_config "$SITE" siteinfo domain)"
  EditDomain -c bandwidth,enabled=1 "$site"

# Web Apps

# Set fortification for all WordPress sites

The following restricts the selection to "example.com", but it could be just as easily wrapped around admin:collect() as above examples illustrate.

cpcmd -o json -d $SITE common:load-preferences | jq -r '.webapps.paths[] | select(.type=="wordpress") | .hostname' | xargs -I {} cpcmd -d $SITE wordpress:fortify "{}";

# Non-collect commands

The following commands are powerful oversimplifications in ApisCP that are a starting point to explore more complex tasks in ApisCP. Programming.md covers advanced topics.

  1. letsencrypt:append array $names, bool $verifyip = true
    Example: cpcmd -d domain.com letsencrypt:append '[newdomain.com,www.newdomain.com]'
    Unlike letsencrypt:request, append does not replace the certificate with members with the named set. $verifyip confirms the IP address matches the account before proceeding. Disable if behind a proxy such as CloudFlare.

  2. rampart:whitelist string $ip, string $mode = 'add'
    Example: cpcmd rampart:whitelist ''
    Whitelisting grants brute-force immunity to the specified IP address. Specify 'remove' as $mode to remove the entry.

  3. admin:locate-webapps array $sites = null
    Example: cpcmd admin:locate-webapps '[site12,mydomain.com,site1]'
    Scour all sites or just the sites specified in $specifier for known webapps. Any detected apps will be associated with the account.

  4. admin:update-webapps array $specifier = null
    Example: cpcmd admin:update-webapps '[type:ghost]'
    A complementary method to locate-webapps, update-webapps will perform an update on the set of known apps that matches the specified criteria (mutually inclusive).

  5. admin:reset-webapp-failure array $specifier = null
    Example: cpcmd admin:reset-webapp-failure '[site:mydomain.com,type:drupal]'
    Reset all failures across one or more sites. $specifier is an inclusive list of site, type, and version. For example, if WordPress 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 was a bad update for all, specify type: wordpress and version: 5.1.2.

  6. rampart:blacklist string $ip, string $mode = 'add'
    Another complementary method, this works similar to rampart:whitelist except that it drops any packets from the specified IP address or range to the server, useful if for example you need to block a range of countries from accessing a server. blacklist works great with country bans too, just feed it a list as input from IPdeny (opens new window): Example: curl -o- http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/cn.zone | while read -r IP ; do cpcmd rampart:blacklist "$IP" ; done

  7. rampart:ban string $ip, string $jail
    Example: cpcmd rampart:ban '' 'recidive'
    A sibling method with a few differences: (1) ban rejects the packet indicating the machine actively denied the request, (2) has an expiry (10 days if jail is "recidive"), (3) users may also unban themselves from the service if their IP address matches the banned IP.

  8. scope:list
    Example: cpcmd scope:list
    scope:list is part of a broader, powerful set of system abstraction called Scopes (opens new window). Scopes allow you to quickly reconfigure a server in a structured, fail-safe way. config:list lists all known Scopes. scope:info, scope:set and scope:get are accessory helpers to this. Important scopes are covered in the ApisCP Cheatsheet (opens new window).

  9. file:audit string $path, array $requirements = [], bool $union = true
    Example: file:audit '/var/www/html' '[user:apache,perm:666] false
    "audit" is an accessory method to Fortification, which is a security feature that places the web user for PHP applications under a separate UID than the account holder. Running audit on an account generates a list of matching files for further inspection, such as files created by the web server or have permissions that allow write-access by the web server. $requirements is a set user, perm, mtime, ctime, regex, and name options passed directly to find(1) (opens new window). $union affects whether requirements are mutually inclusive or independent.

  10. common:load-preferences string $user = null
    Example: env YAML_INLINE=4 cpcmd -d mydomain.com -u newuser -o yaml common:load-preferences
    Preferences are user-specific settings, including panel settings and known web apps. This can be mixed with -d domain or -u user in cpcmd to get preferences for the primary account holder or a secondary user on a domain. Specifying both -d and -u to cpcmd would be the same as cpcmd -d domain common:load-preferences user. YAML_INLINE controls output folding.

  11. misc:list-commands string $filter = null
    Example: misc:list-commands 'wordpress*'
    Display all commands available to the user. Every role has different commands, try them out with everyone!