# WordPress


Part of the Web Apps family, WordPress supports many familiar components shared by all other apps. See WebApps.md for preliminary information that covers the update process.

# WP-CLI Toolkit

WP-CLI (opens new window) is the official command-line utility for managing WordPress. It's available on all accounts and powers WordPress features in the panel.

# Using from terminal

WP-CLI is located as wp-cli from terminal. It may be aliased to wp by adding alias wp=wp-cli to ~/.bashrc:

echo -e "\nalias wp=wp-cli" >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL -i

wp-cli is path-sensitive. Run wp-cli within the directory that contains a WordPress install or pass --path=/PATH/TO/WP/INSTANCE. Additionally, ApisCP supports su into secondary users by the primary user if a WordPress site is managed by a secondary user.

cd /var/www/html
wp-cli core version
# Reports: 5.4
wp-cli option list
# List all options in wp_option table
wp-cli option set blogdescription "Just another WordPress site"

# Won't work!
cd /home/brad
su brad
# Now brad
cd /home/brad/public_html
wp-cli core version

# Debugging updates


See WebApps.md for general debugging information that applies to all Web Apps.

In addition to general debugging, when DEBUG=1, WP-CLI will emit additional debugging information through the --debug flag.

For example, let's say we want to debug a failed update for a plugin named bad-plugin to version bad-version. This can be replicated from command-line with additional debugging information available as follows:

env DEBUG=1 cpcmd -d domain.com wordpress:update-plugins domain.com '' '[[name:bad-plugin,version:bad-version]]'

WP-CLI may output something like,

Warning: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions. "changelog.txt, astra-addon.php, includes, includes/view-white-label.php, includes/index.php, credits.txt, compatibility, compatibility/class-astra-ubermenu-pro.php, compatibility/class-astra-wpml-compatibility.php, languages, languages/astra-addon-fr_FR.mo, languages/astra-addon-nb_NO.mo, languages/astra-addon-nl_NL.mo, languages/astra-addon-ru_RU.mo, languages/astra-addon-fi.mo, languages/astra-addon-pl_PL.mo, languages/astra-addon-he_IL.mo, languages/astra-addon-pt_BR.mo, languages/astra-addon-uk.mo, languages/astra-addon-it_IT.mo, languages/astra-addon-sk_SK.mo, languages/astra-addon-hu_HU.mo, languages/astra-addon-ja.mo, languages/astra-addon-sv_SE.mo, languages/astra-addon-bg_BG.mo, languages/astra-addon-de_DE.mo, languages/astra-addon-es_ES.po, languages/astra-addon-ar.mo, languages/astra-addon-fa_IR.mo, languages/astra-addon-da_DK.mo, languages/astra-addon-es_ES.mo,

The above, for example, is caused by a permission mismatch and can be resolved by resetting permissions and reapplying Fortification in ApisCP or from command-line:

cpcmd -d domain.com file:reset-path /path/to/wp ''
cpcmd -d domain.com wordpress:fortify domain.com '' max


Arguments differ due to module intent. Modules of the "webapp" family prefer $hostname, $path as opposed to a raw filesystem path as domains/subdomains can be relinked relatively easily. Doing so allows the API calls to remain stable even if the document root is not.

# Fortification enhancements

New in 3.2.0:

WordPress' FTP driver is used to grant write-access to system files. In certain scenarios, a plugin or theme may be unaware of how to use WordPress' VFS library to interact with a site. Setting Fortification modes to Disable Fortification, Web App Write Mode, or Learning Mode will set FS_METHOD in wp-config.php to 'direct'. Enabling any other Fortification mode or resetting permissions will reset FS_METHOD to false, which selects the appropriate VFS driver (FTP) based on write-access to wp-includes/file.php. Without altering permissions outside of the control panel, this test will always fail thus requiring FTP to manage files.

# Programmatic wp-config.php

New in 3.2.0:

define() statements make up the core of WP configuration (opens new window). 3.2 bundles a powerful AST parser that can read any valid WordPress configuration, look for define() statements, and update its corresponding configuration.

For example, what if we're importing a WP install from another platform that doesn't use Fortification? The following hook would set FTP_USER, FS_METHOD, and FTP_HOST for all existing installations whenever wordpress:valid() is called:

        \a23r::registerCallback('wordpress', 'valid', function ($ret, $args) {
        if (!$ret) {

        $approot = $args[0];

        if ($approot[0] !== '/') {
            // passed as $hostname, $path
            $approot = $this->getAppRoot($args[0], $args[1] ?? '');

        $pairs = [
            'FS_METHOD'           => false,
            'FTP_USER'            => $this->username . '@' . $this->domain,
            'FTP_HOST'            => 'localhost'

        return $this->updateConfiguration($approot, $pairs);

wordpress:valid() is triggered during plugin/theme enumeration as part of periodic updates. Running a manual update would update all valid WordPress installs with the new configuration:

cpcmd admin:update-webapps '[type:wordpress,assets:true]'

# Mass WP-CLI usage

New in 3.2.33

wordpress:cli() applies a WP-CLI command against all or one registered WordPress sites on an account.

wordpress:cli(string $command, string|array $args = [], string $hostname = null, string $path = ''): array

When $hostname and $path are omitted the command is applied against all sites. $args may be formatted using positional markers (%s, %(domain)s, %d, %1s).

# Remove dolly from all WordPress sites
cpcmd -d example.com wordpress:cli 'plugin uninstall %s' '[dolly]'
# Verify core checksums against WordPress app installed under example.com/wp
cpcmd -d example.com wordpress:cli 'core verify-checksums' '' 'example.com' 'wp'
# Return all plugins formatted in JSON for each site
cpcmd -d example.com wordpress:cli '--json plugin list'

When applied against all sites the results are keyed by the filesystem path. Each element contains hostname and path values to resolve the site from its path.

cpcmd -d mechanical.com wordpress:cli '--json plugin list'
# /var/www/html:
#   hostname: mechanical.com
#   path: ''
#   stdin: ''
#   stdout: '[{"name":"akismet","status":"inactive","update":"available","version":"4.2.3"},{"name":"hello","status":"inactive","update":"none","version":"1.7.2"}]'
#   stderr: ''
#   output: '[{"name":"akismet","status":"inactive","update":"available","version":"4.2.3"},{"name":"hello","status":"inactive","update":"none","version":"1.7.2"}]'
#   errno: 0
#   return: 0
#   error: ''
#   success: true